
The low profile platform is a steel base that is typically
used in sites where the floor cannot be modified (especially
historic sites). It serves as a strong foundation for
a row of turnstiles and provides a conduit for cables.
The platform eliminates the need for conduits under
the floor; its four cable channels protect and guide
all the wiring for your turnstiles.
This makes it possible to install turnstiles anywhere,
on any level surface. Moreover, with our non-barrier systems, no drilling
is necessary; the entire installation (ramp and turnstiles)
can be relocated as necessary, without leaving any damage.
The low profile platforms are ideal for rapid deployment
of equipment.
is a snap: simply bolt the turnstiles onto the platform,
tip the entire unit on its side, and feed the cables
through the holes in the platform. Secure the cables
into the cable channels, tip the unit upright, terminate
the cables, and the installation is complete.
There is no need to struggle to pull cables through
tight conduits.
The platform is slim (only ½ high), and
does not pose a challenge to wheelchairs, carts, or
people with limited mobility. It complies with ADA
guidelines, and is finished in a non-slip surface.
PathMinder offers a turnstile platform
to complement each of its turnstile families.
