PathMinder optical turnstiles & doorway tailgate sensors ( n e w s  &  e v e n t s )  
Photo library

Beam Beam alignment
(typical competitor, left vs. PathMinder wide angle beams, right)
69 KB
Detection Detection beams
(typical competitor, left, vs. PathMinder detection matrix, right)
126 KB
PathMInder compact oval optical turnstile with drop arm barriers PathMinder compact oval optical turnstile with drop arm barriers
460 KB
PathMinder PathMinder custom offset housing optical turnstile
518 KB
PathMinder PathMinder diamond optical turnstile and deployment platform
81 KB
PathMinder PathMinder doorway tailgate sensor
1940 KB
PathMinder PathMinder optical turnstile with angel wings
234 KB
PathMinder PathMinder optical turnstile with tall door barriers
1850 KB
PathMinder PathMinder optical turnstile with tall door barriers 2
990 KB
PathMinder oval optical turnstile (newer style with vertical reveals) PathMinder oval optical turnstile
(newer style, with vertical reveals)
2070 KB
PathMinder PathMinder oval optical turnstile
(older style with horizontal reveals)
138 KB
PathMinder PathMinder oval optical turnstile 2
(older style with horizontal reveals)
2160 KB
PathMinder PathMinder oval optical turnstile, tarnished muntz
(older style with horizontal reveals)
1340 KB
Throughput Throughput considerations
(typical competitor, left vs. PathMinder dense sensor net, right)
91 KB

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